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16.25 megapixel microscope camera for fast, one-shot capture of ultra-high resolution color images.

Nikon’s DS-Ri2 camera combines an optimized digital SLR camera CMOS sensor and image processing technologies for a high-definition color camera. With 16.25 million pixels, the DS-Ri2 is the ideal camera for brightfield or cross-over applications where high resolution, great color fidelity and large pixel count images are important to an end-user.

Key Features: 
High-resolution Images   16.25-megapixel CMOS sensors for astonishing image quality.

The DS series enables one-shot instantaneous capture and fast storage of images with resolution as high as 4908 x 3264 pixels, without pixel shifting or pixel stepping.

This pixel density is ideally suited for photomicrography of ultra-fine structures or patterns in biological or industrial samples, at low or high magnifications.

Excellent Color Reproduction  Nikon is a leader in the development of algorithms for reproducing color just as the eyes see it

The DS models’ new image processing engine is based on extensive data accumulated over many years of developing microscope color digital cameras, resulting in perfect reproduction of the colors your eyes see in the microscope.

High-speed Live Display  High-speed display, even of supra-HDTV-class live images

The DS-Ri2 can display 4908 X 3264 pixels (full-pixel) images at 6 fps, or 1636 X 1088 pixels (3×3 pixel averaging) images at 45 fps. This fast live frame rate makes fine focusing easy to perform.

High Sensitivity, Low Noise  Fluorescent color image capture with high signal-to-noise ratio

Sensitivity settings that span the range from ISO200 to ISO12800 allow the capture of vivid fluorescent color images.

Download the RS-Ri2 Brochure HERE!